“Manager la génération Z” Dunod, Octobre 2023

La génération Z (jeunes nés entre 1995 et 2016) représente aujourd’hui 32% de la population mondiale: les plus âges sont depuis peu sur le marché du travail et expriment des préoccupations fortes (environnementales, écologiques et sociales). Cette génération se distinguerait à bien des égards de celles qui l’ont précédée, aussi nombre d’entreprises estiment avoir du mal à comprendre, attirer et retenir ces jeunes talents. Une question centrale se pose: comment manager la génération Z ? Ce nouvel ouvrage résolument opérationnel met en lumière les caractéristiques profondes qui définissent les jeunes et retrace avec justesse leur relation à l’environnement de travail. Les nombreux exemples et des solutions concrètes sur les pratiques de management à privilégier qui seront utiles aux managers pour mieux appréhender cette nouvelle génération.



Elodie gentina

Manager la génération Z

The New Génération Z

Génération Z

Marketing et génération Z

Revues Académiques


  • ZHEN, L., GENTINA, E., and MAILLE, V. (2023). The complex relationship between creativity and consumer ethics depending on endemic corruption in emerging and developed countries. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. In press
  • GENTINA, E., MAILLE, V. and ZHEN, L.  (2023). A cross-national study of nomophobia among Brazilian, Chinese, French, and U.S. young people: The role of materialism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54, 549-573. (ABS, 2)
  • AMEEN, N. PAPAGIANNIDIS. S., HOSANY, A. R.S. and GENTINA, E. (2023). It’s part of the “new normal”: Does a global pandemic change employees’ perception of teleworking?. Journal of Business Research, 164, 113956.
  • DANIEL, C., GENTINA E. and DHANDRA, T. K. (2023). Mindfulness and green purchase intentions: a mediated moderation model unveiling the role of ethical self-identity. Ecological Economics, 209 (2023) 107810 (CNRS, 1)
  • DE DANIEL, C., GENTINA E. and MESMER-MAGNUS J. (2022). Mindfulness buffers the deleterious effects of workaholism for work-family conflict. Social Science and Medicine, 2020
  • GENTINA E., PAUWELS DELASSUS V. and LECLERCQ VANDELANNOITTE A. (2022). « Infidèles, zappeurs et slasheurs ? Les Z et l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme de fidélité employeur ». Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (in press) (CNRS 2)  
  • DE KERVILER G., HEUVINCK N., and GENTINA A. (2021). Make an Effort and Show me the Love. Effects of Indexical and Iconic Authenticity  Cues  on Perceived Brand Ethicality. Journal of Business Ethics (in press) (CNRS 2)
  • MAILLE V., GENTINA E. and LI Z (2021). L’influence de l’appartenance sociale et de la créativité sur les comportements de consommation immoraux des nouveaux adolescents: une étude cross-culturelle auprès des 16-24 ans. Recherche et Appplications en Marketing, 36(3), 78-108.
  • MAILLE V., GENTINA E. and LI Z (2021). L’influence de l’appartenance sociale et de la créativité sur les comportements de consommation immoraux des nouveaux adolescents: une étude cross-culturelle auprès des 16-24 ans. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (in press) (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., DANIEL C., and TANG T. L. P (2020). Mindfulness Reduces Avaricious Monetary Attitudes and Enhances Ethical Consumer Beliefs: Mindfulness Training, Timing, and Practicing Matter. Journal of Business Ethics, in press (CNRS 2, Financial Times).
  • BAKIR A., GENTINA E., and GIL L. A. (2020). What shapes adolescents’ attitudes toward luxury brands? The role of self-worth, self-construal, gender and national culture. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57, 102208 (CNRS 3)
  • GENTINA E. and ROWE F. (2020). Effects of materialism on problematic smartphone dependency among adolescents: The role of gender and gratifications. International Journal of Information Management (CNRS 2, in press)
  • GENTINA E. and KRATZER, J. (2020). An Integrative Model of the Influence of Self-Esteem on Adolescents’ Consumer Innovativeness: The Mediating Role of Social Network Position and Need for Uniqueness. Industry and Innovation, 27(10), 1110-1132. (CNRS).
  • GENTINA E., CHEN RH., YANG Z. (2020). Development of Theory of Mind on Online Social Networks: Evidence from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Journal of Business Research, 2, 652-666. (CNRS 2).
  • GENTINA E., and CHEN, RH (2019). Digital natives’ coping with loneliness: Facebook or face-to-face?. Information & Management, 56 (6), 103-138 (CNRS 2).
  • GENTINA E., SHRUM LJ., LOWREY TM, ROSE GM and VITELL S. (2018). An integrative model of the influence of parental and peer support on consumer ethical beliefs: The mediating role of self-esteem, power, and materialism, Journal of Business Ethics, 150 (4), 1173-1186. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., TANG TLP and QINXUAN Q. (2018). Do parents and peers influence adolescents' monetary intelligence and consumer ethics? French and Chinese adolescents and behavioral economics, Journal of Business Ethics, 151 (1), 115-140. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., TANG TLP and DANCOINE PF. (2018). Does Gen Z's emotional intelligence promote iCheating (cheating with iPhone) yet curb iCheating through reduced nomophobia?, Computers and Education, 126 (November), 231-247. (CNRS 1, Medical studies).
  • DANCOINE P. F. and GENTINA E. (2018). Different effects of social support on adolescent smoking and the mediation by smartphone dependence. Journal of Addiction Medicine, June 15, doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000425.
  • GENTINA E. and TANG, T. L. P. (2018). Does adolescent popularity mediate relationships between both theory of mind and love of money and consumer ethics. Applied Psychology: An International Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/apps.12148 (CNRS 3)
  • GENTINA E., HUARN, K. H., and SAKASHIA, A. M. (2018). A social comparison theory approach to mothers’ and daughters’ clothing co-consumption behaviors: A cross-cultural study in France and Japan. Journal of Business Research, 89, 361–370. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., TANG TLP and QINXUAN G. (2017). Does bad company corrupt good morals? Social bonding and academic cheating among French and Chinese teens, Journal of Business Ethics, 146 (43), 639-667. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., HOGG MK and SAKASHITA M. (2017). Identity (Re)construction through sharing: A study of mother and teenage daughter dyads in France and Japan. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 37, 67-77. (CNRS 3)
  • GENTINA E., KILIC D. and DANCOINE PF. (2017). Distinctive role of opinion leaders in the social networks of school adolescents: An investigation of e-cigarette Use. Public Health, Mar, 144, 109-116. (CNRS 3)
  • GENTINA E., SHRUM LJ. And LOWREY TM (2016). Coping with loneliness through materialism: Strategies matter for adolescent development of unethical behaviors, Journal of Business Ethics. (CNRS 2, Financial Times).
  • ROSE GM., BAKIR, A., and GENTINA, E. (2016) Money meanings among French and American adolescents, Journal of Consumer Marketing 33 (5), 364 – 37.
  • GENTINA E., SHRUM LJ., and LOWREY TM (2016). Teen attitudes toward luxury fashion brands from a social identity perspective: A cross-cultural study of French and U.S. teenagers, Journal of Business Research, 69 (12), 5785-5792. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E., ROSE GM and VITELL S. (2016). Ethics during Adolescence: A Social Networks Perspective, Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1), 185-197. (CNRS 2, Financial Times).
  • SHRUM LJ., LOWREY TM., PANDELAERE M., RUVIO A., GENTINA E., FURCHLEIM P., HERBERT M., HUDDERS L., LENS I., MANDEL N., NAIRN A., SAMPER A., SOSCIA I. and STENFIELD. L. (2014). Materialism: the good, the bad, and the ugly, Journal of Marketing Management , 20 (17-18), 1858-1881, Special Issue: Transformative Consumer Research: Taking the TCR Movement Global (CNRS 3)
  • GENTINA E. and SINGH P. (2015). How National Culture and Parental Style Affect the Process of Adolescents' Ecological Resocialization; Sustainability? Revue Sustainability 7 (6), 7581-760.GENTINA E. and CHANDON JL (2014). The role of gender on the frequency of shopping with friends during adolescence: Between the need for individuation and the need for assimilation, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 29 (4), 453-464. (CNRS 2).
  • GENTINA E. (2014). Understanding the effects of adolescent girls’ social positions within peer groups on exchange practices, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 13 (1), 73-80
  • GENTINA E., BUTORI R., ROSE G.M. et BAKIR, A. (2014). How national culture impacts teenage shopping behavior: Comparing French and American consumers, Journal of Business Research, 67 (4), 464-470 (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E. and CHANDON J.L. (2013). Adolescent shopping behavior. Different assimilation and individuation needs in France and the United States, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 20 (6), 609-616. (CNRS 3).
  • GENTINA E., BUTORI R. and HEATH T. (2014). Unique but integrated: The role of individuation and assimilation processes in teen opinion leadership, Journal of Business Research, 67 (2), 83-91. (CNRS 2)
  • GENTINA E. and MURATORE I. (2013). Etude de la validité interculturelle de l’échelle de mesure des significations symboliques de l’argent auprès d’adolescents français et américains, Revue Française de Marketing, 242, 7-2.
  • GENTINA E., DECOOPMAN I. and RUVIO A. (2013). Social comparison motivation of mothers' with their adolescent daughters and its effects on the mothers' consumption behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20 (1), 94-101. (CNRS 3).
  • GENTINA E. and BONSU S. (2013). Peer social network influences on teens’ shopping behavior, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 20 (1), 87-93. (CNRS 3).
  • DECOOPMAN I. and GENTINA E. (2013). La propension des mères à échanger des vêtements avec leur fille adolescente : quelles conséquences pour le marketing ?, Décisions Marketing, 70, 75-90. (CNRS 3).
  • GENTINA E., COLLIN-LACHAUD I. and FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (2012). « Take 1, get 5 ! » : la fidélisation collective des adolescentes aux magasins de prêt-à-porter, Management et Avenir, 52.
  • GENTINA E. and MURATORE I. (2012). The process of ecological resocialization by teenagers, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11 (2), 162-169.
  • DECOOPMAN I., GENTINA E. and FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (2010). La confusion des générations ? Les enjeux identitaires des échanges vestimentaires entre les mères et leur fille adolescente, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25 (3), 7-27. (CNRS
  • PALAN K., GENTINA E. And MURATORE I. (2010). Adolescent consumption autonomy: A cross-cultural study, Journal of Business Research, 63 (12), 1342-1348. (CNRS 2).
  • GENTINA E., PALAN K. and FOSSE-GOMEZ MH. (2010). The practice of using makeup: a consumption ritual of adolescent girls, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11 (2), 115-123.

Conférences internationales

  • DE KERVILER G., HEUVINC N. and GENTINA E. (2020). “Make an Effort to Show Me Love” The Effects of Indexical and Iconic Authenticity on Consumer Perceived Ethicality, EMAC conference, May 26-29, Budapest, Hungary.
  • GENTINA E., MAILLE V. and LI Z. (2019). A cross-cultural study of smartphone nomophobia among Brazilian, Chinese, French, and U.S. Gen Z: The role of materialism. Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and the Adoption of New Information Technologies, September 26-28, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
  • GENTINA E and MAILLE V. (2019). A cross-cultural study of Gen Z consumer unethical behaviors: Roles of social belonging and creativity, INEKA Annual Conference, June 11-13, Verona, Italy.
  • TANG TLP and GENTINA E. (2018). Dual-Impact Theory of Consumer Ethics: Gen Z Love of Money and Theory of Mind, Popularity, and Consumer Ethics. 2018 International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2018), Montreal, Canada.
  • GENTINA E, and B. BARTIKOWSKI (2017).Youth Culture and Materialism: Conflicting Paths to Life Satisfaction. Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and the Adoption of New Information Technologies, Concordia University Montreal, Canada.
  • GENTINA E, TANG TLP and DANCOINE PF (2017). Emotional Intelligence, Nomophobia, and Gen Z's Smartphone Cheating. 15th European Congress of Psychology, July 11-14, 2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • RUVIO, A., MANDEL N.et GENTINA E. (2016). Reciprocal altruism as a motivation for sharing: Sharing up vs. sharing down, In P. Moreau and S. Puntoni (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (october 2016), Berlin.
  • GENTINA, E. (2016). Offline friendships affect Facebook activity and tens’ theory of mind, In P. Moreau and S. Puntoni (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (october 2016), Berlin.
  • QINXUAN G, TANG TLP et GENTINA E. (2016). Theory of Social Bonding and Academic Cheating: Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals across Culture and Gender, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), July 24-29, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
  • TANG TLP, GENTINA E et QINXUAN G. (2016). How does materialism impact consumer ethics among Chinese and French adolescents? Internal and external power perspectives, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), July 24-29, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
  • RUVIO, A., MANDEL N. et GENTINA E. (2015). With whom do people share? The Effects of Upward and Downward Social Comparisons on Willingness to Share Possessions, In K. Diehl and C. Yoon (Eds), Advances in Consumer Research (october 2015).
  • GENTINA, E., SHRUM LJ. et LOWREY T. M (2015). A Social network analysis of adolescent social standing, sharing and acquisition materialism, and happiness, In K. Diehl and C. Yoon (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (october 2015).
  • NAIRN A., CHAPLIN L., SPOTSWOOD F. et GENTINA E. (2015). Organisation d’une session spéciale « Children and materialism. Innovative tracks for action and engagement furthering cross-cultural empirical work on childhood materialism. In N. R. Hill, J. L. Ozanne and D. Brennan (Eds.), Transformative Consumer Research. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
  • GENTINA, E., SHRUM LJ. Et LOWREY TM (2015). The role of assimilation and individuation in teen attitudes toward luxury fashion brands: A cross-cultural study, Global Fashion Management Conference June, Florence (Italy).
  • ROSE, G.M., MERCHAN A., ROSE M, Bakir A. et GENTINA E. (2014). Money attitudes and social values, American Marketing Association Pre Conference SIG on Values, August, San Franciso, CA.
  • GENTINA E., SAKASHITA M. KIMURA J. Y. et DECOOPMAN I. (2013). How national culture affects clothing sharing practices: French versus Japanese daughters and mothers. In A. Valenzuela, E. Reutskaja & G. Cornelissen (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 10 (pp. 1-4). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
  • GENTINA E., KIMURA J. Y., SAKASHITA M. et DECOOPMAN I. (2013). Sharing from social comparison theory perspective: a cross-cultural study of French and Japanese adolescent daughters’ mothers, EMAC conference, Istanbul (Turkey).
  • GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2012). Shall we share our clothes? Understanding clothing exchanges with friends during adolescence. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes & J. Rui (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 4 (pp. 1-9). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
  • GENTINA E., COLLIN-LACHAUD I. et FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2011). « Take 1, get 5 ! » : la fidélisation collective des adolescentes aux magasins de prêt-à-porter, 14ème Colloque Internationale Etienne Thil sur la Distribution, Roubaix.
  • DECOOPMAN I., GENTINA E. et FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H (2011). A confusion of generations ?
  • Identity issues around the exchange of clothing between mothers and their adolescent daughters, Academy of Marketing Science, Reims School of Management.
  • GENTINA E., MURATORE I. et SEMPELS C. (2010). Adolescent’s influence on pro-environmental family decisions and resocialization processes, Child and Teen Consumption, Sweden.
  • GENTINA E.  et FOSSE-GOMEZ. (2010). Identifying adolescent peer group structure: in the search of social network methods. In A. Bradshaw, C. Hackley & P. Maclaran (Eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 9 (pp. 1-24). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
  • GENTINA. E. (2009). L’autonomie chez l’adolescente consommatrice : conceptualisation et mesure, 25° Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, Londres, 1-23.

Participation à des ouvrages scientifiques

  • GENTINA E. (2019). 3. « Generation Z in France: Reverse socialization and social engagement », in Generations Z in Europe: Inputs, Insights and Implications”, Eds. C. Scholz and A. Rennig, Emerald: UK.
  • GENTINA E. (2016). « Les comportements de consommation à risque chez les adolescents », in Le Marketing pour la génération Z. Comprendre et fidéliser la génération post-millennials », W. Batat, Ellipses : Paris.
  • CHAPLIN, LN, LOWREY, TM, GENTINA E. et al. (2016). « Conducting international research with children: challenges and potential solutions», in Companion to Consumer Behavior, M. R. Solomon and T. M. Lowrey, Routledge: UK.
  • GENTINA E. (2014). « Les adolescentes », in L’art du Marketing to Women, Eds. Sauty de Chalon ML. Et Smadja B., Dunod : Paris.